• School Hours 8:40-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Year Three

    Welcome to Pisces Class!

    Class Information

    Long Term Map


    Topics that we will be covering throughout the year are:
    Term 1 – The Stone Age
    Term 2 – Where in the World?
    Term 3 – Ancient Greece


    Year 3 Expectations

    Read every day and reading record signed 3 times a week. A dojo point will be given every time a pupil reads but bonus points will be given to all pupils who read 3 or more times and extra playtime for those who ready 5 times a week!

    Books will be changed once the book has been read twice. Free readers after reading once.

    In KS2 children are expected to learn their times tables up to 12 x 12 off by heart. To aid this we have introduced TTRockstars.
    (Pupil’s log-in details are in the back of their reading records). Children can compete against themselves and each other. They will learn their times tables without even realising it as it is so much fun.

    Spellings are given out every Monday, with a test on Friday. Children are expected to practise spellings every day.

    What to bring to school:

    • PE kits should be worn to school on Wednesdays
    • Book bag with reading book, reading record and spelling book
    • Water Bottle

    Maths Downloads



    Mr B Ralph

    Year Three Class Teacher / PE Lead

    Mrs K Harrison



    Wonderful Work

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