• School Hours 8:40-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Online Learning Links

    E-Safety at Pemberley Academy

    At Pemberley Academy we understand the importance of keeping safe while using technology. We take a proactive approach to teaching about online safety on the internet, and in developing the age-appropriate skills required to keep themselves and others safe. These skills are integrated into our lessons, and also reinforced during special E-Safety days and assemblies.

    Parents and Carers

    We also periodically offer online courses for parents and carers to help navigate the apps, games and websites that children may come into contact with. Please look out for emails containing relevant information. You may also find helpful information on digital parenting here: vodafone.co.uk/newscentre/smart-living/digital-parenting/ and here: nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/

    Please ensure you are supervising your child at all times when they are using the internet.

    For more on internet safety, plus safe search engines, see the links on this page:

    Reporting Abuse

    Under 18 and worried about online sexual abuse? To report, click to visit the CEOP Safety Centre.
    CEOP Report abuse click here

    Are you being bullied?
    CEOP are unable to respond to reports about bullying but if you’re being bullied and
    would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can speak to Childline on
    0800 1111 or talk to them online – no worry is too big or too small.


    Google's internet safety portal

    Explore Interland to play games and learn about internet safety from Google, to become an Internet Legend!

    What's that website?

    The NSPCC have compiled a guide to the most popular websites used by children, to help explain what they are used for, advisory minimum ages, and potential dangers, to help educate parents.



    Discovery Education Espresso brings learning to life!

    Pemberley pupils have access to this wonderful online learning platform to enhance their knowledge and develop key skills. With a range of videos, activities and games across all key stages and subject areas, children can continue their learning at home!  Pupils can log in or access free resources using the link below.


    *for Pupil login details, please see the Espresso letter that has been sent home or pick one up at the office.

    Think You Know

    Guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know.


    McGruff is a Crime Dog – world famous for his advice on how to stop crime before it happens, and for his great sense of humour! Some of his work involves teaching children how to stay safe online. Check out the different areas of the site – there’s so much to learn!

    Safe Kids Quiz

    The Online Safety Quiz is your chance to show that you know how to be a safe Internet surfer. Answer each question and, when you get it right, you'll go to the next question.

    Safe Surfing with Doug

    Find out about safe surfing with Doug and his friends.

    Net Smartz

    Be totally cool and show your friends how much you know about Internet safety by watching the video clips on here. There are also loads of activities and games that will test your knowledge!

    Safety Land

    Safety land is normally a very nice place to live, but a nasty character is sending yucky emails and messages. Captain Broadband needs your help to find the nasty character. You need to navigate around Safety land answering questions. When you have answered them all correctly, the nasty character will be taken to jail and you’ll become a certified hero, just like Captain Broadband.
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