• School Hours 8:40-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

    Pemberley’s Vision for SEND

    Our vision at Pemberley Academy is for all children to be included in all aspects of education and development. Through adaptive teaching their barriers to learning are identified, removed and every child makes progress from their individual starting points.

    Pemberley’s Approach to SEND

    At Pemberley Academy we are committed to creating a caring, safe and secure learning environment that is inclusive of all pupils. We believe our whole community (meaning children, parents, staff, governors and local residents) should be provided with the opportunity to develop their self-confidence, resilience and independence so they can fulfil their potential and aspirations.
    In order to achieve our aim of ensuring all of our pupils are happy, confident and secure at Pemberley Academy, we strive to provide excellent teaching at all levels and to deliver learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom that are  inclusive, motivating and inspiring. We want all of our pupils to develop a love for learning, regardless of barriers they may face and we work hard to ensure our pupils with Special Educational Needs are given the support, resources and opportunity to  overcome some of these barriers and fulfil their full potential.

    (definitions of special education needs taken from section 20 of the Children and Families Act 2014)

    A child has special educational needs if he or she has learning difficulties that call for special educational provision to be made.

    A child has learning difficulties if he or she:

    • Has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.
    • Has a disability which prevents or hinders the child from making use of educational facilities of a kind provided for children of the same age in other schools within the Local Authority.

    Our SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator) is Mrs Fish. If you are concerned about your child and would like to make an appointment to see the SENCO, please contact the office.


    The governing bodies of maintained schools and maintained nursery schools and the proprietors of academy schools must publish information on their websites about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEN.

    See below for a link to our SEND Information Report and our SEND Policy.

    Provision Map and One Plans

    If a child receives additional support at Pemberley Academy, both within the classroom and with the SENCO and/or additional adults, the child is placed on the SEN register and has targets set termly by their class teacher, support staff and the SEN team. This provision may include specific equipment or resources, interventions, 1 to 1 support, behavioural support as well as any additional support or assessments required to meet their individual needs.
    In order to ensure there is a robust and effective system in place to create and review termly targets, and most importantly ensure parental and pupil involvement, Pemberley Academy is now using an online system called Provision Map which allows class teachers and the SENCO to create, review and share one plans with parents/carers and also asks for parental contributions to the one plan using an emailed link. Pupils are also encouraged to participate in the One Plan process through the creation of Pupil Passports.
    One Plans will be created/reviewed in October, February and June and parents/carers will be asked to meet with their child’s teacher and SENCO to discuss targets and strategies. These meetings will take place at a time that is convenient for parents with the option of Zoom meetings available.

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