• School Hours 8:40-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • COVID-19

    Coronavirus Information Page

    This page contains important information about how COVID-19 is affecting us, and includes some helpful links for you.

    We hope that all pupils are enjoying being back in school, despite the number of changes that are now in place in school. All pupils have settled well and I know staff members are happy to be back with the children as well.

    As part of an in-depth planning process that took place prior to reopening fully in September, we have carried out comprehensive risk assessments with Reach2 Trust and in line with Government guidance. These risk assessments and the procedures related to them will be reviewed regularly in line with any new guidance.

    The information provided below is incorporated into our risk assessment, we have outlined below the key changes which parents and carers may find useful.  These are unprecedented times and they call for very special measures. The guidelines that we have put in place will ensure pupils can safely return to school, and begin to rebuild those direct relationships with their teachers which is so important.Please contact the school on 01279 215745 if you have any queries or concerns regarding these.

    I would like to thank you for your continued support throughout this unusual and challenging public health crisis. Although these changes will make the school feel a little different, I hope that you agree that they make the very best of a challenging situation in the current circumstances, and enable all children to access a full curriculum on their return. When we receive further guidance or information then we will share this with you.

    I will of course write to you again, if the plans change as a result of any additional government/ local guidance or should there be a change in circumstances.

    All plans will be reviewed by October half term, and parents and carers will be updated routinely should there be changes that affect our pupils and their families.


    Mr Coster

    Learning at home
    – Resources for remote learning
    Take a peek
    – Sharing experiences during lockdown

    Summary of changes

    Pupil Groups

    Pupils will be ‘grouped’ according to their school phase (i.e. EYFS and KS1 are one pupil group, KS2 is another pupil group). Within the group, each class will currently be working in their individual class ‘bubbles’. The groups will not mix indoors or outdoors and, whilst not reducing pupil’s access to the full curriculum, teachers and teaching assistants will reduce contact between classes, wherever possible.

    Staggered break and lunch times

    The two groups will have breaks at different times of the day. EYFS and KS1 will have lunch in the hall first and then go outside, and KS2 will do the opposite. Each class will sit at allocated tables for their classes and the tables will be cleaned between groups.

    Start and end of the day drop off times

    Morning drop off will begin at 8:30 am and run until 08:50 with staff supporting pupils to use hand sanitiser as they come into the school. Pupils will come in through the gates where staff members will supervise them going into their classrooms. If you walk your child to school, please remain outside the school gates when dropping off. Collection at the end of day will begin at 2:30pm and run until 3:00pm and parents are asked to wait on the playground AT LEAST 2 metres apart and their children will be sent out from the classroom doors. Parents are asked to leave the playground immediately after collecting their children. As all parents will appreciate, there are many variables to children departing from their classrooms and we ask for patience to ensure a smooth flow of children out of the classroom doors and playground.

    Increased focus on hand washing and hygienic measures across the school

    As was the case before the summer, we will continue to have an increased focus on hand washing and good hygiene throughout the school. Pupils will wash their hands on arrival to school, and will clean their hands regularly at key points throughout the day. Hand sanitiser will be available around the school and in classrooms. Staff will help your child to use this if they need support. Posters will be displayed around the school reminding pupils and staff about the key hygiene messages, such as hand washing, and staff will regularly remind pupils about the importance of good hygiene.

    Classroom Changes

    All pupils will sit in rows and have their own equipment to use, with exception of EYFS class. There will be a much greater focus on the cleaning of equipment and equipment that cannot be cleaned between bubble use will be left for a minimum of 72 hours before they are accessed by other pupils.

    Managing visitors to the school, meetings and after school events

    We will continue to limit the numbers of visitors on site. This includes parents and carers. All meetings/visits must be through a pre-arranged appointment. Where possible, we will try to hold meetings and have visitors on site after school only and Annual Reviews and parent meetings virtually (where possible). If we do have to hold meetings, we will ensure these are in the large meeting rooms, which are well ventilated, with appropriate distancing. We hope these restrictions will ease with time. Currently we are unable to hold whole school or musical/theatre events. Assemblies will take place virtually and in the classrooms.

    Personal belongings

    Pupils should bring the minimum number of items possible in to school. PE kits will need to be in school for PE days and we will be asking parents to wash them weekly.

    Food arrangements

    School meals will return in full and pupils will eat in the hall in designated areas. Free School Meals will continue for those pupils entitled to them.

    Offsite activities

    The Government have stated that school day trips may resume. As I am sure you are aware, much of our curriculum takes place within the local community. Parents will be informed when school trips or off-site activities are taking place. We will follow social distancing rules whilst in the community and all trips will be risk assessed as usual. If we require anything from you to support these activities, the class team will be in touch.

    School dress code

    We will expect all pupils to wear uniform/school clothes as outlined in our dress code when they returned in September.

    Face Coverings/Masks

    At the time of writing, the government is not recommending face coverings as necessary in school where systems of controls are in place (e.g. hygiene measures/ pupils and staff mixing in consistent groups), because misuse may inadvertently increase the risk of transmission and because there may also be negative effects on communication and thus education.  At Pemberley, we are not requesting for face masks to be worn by staff in the classrooms as they we are remaining in group bubbles at present. We have, however,  taken our own measures to ensure SLT and office staff wear masks when entering the classrooms.

    Arrangements for the wearing of face masks will be reviewed weekly with our risk assessment and in line with Government advice.

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