“We planned designed and built a wonderful doll house”. Fantastic creative use of lockdown time!
“Evelyn built phone holders for us to use. Mabelle built different types of transports. We even started to write some Chinese words and using the word to talk sentences with each other.”
I’ve been playing music at home, practising guitar and piano.
We have been doing experiments with Daddy, filling a rubber glove with water and freezed it over night and made a ice hand. We used an empty box and made it into a bus! We have been reading 3 times or more a day.
Enjoyed going out for a bike ride, making cakes, watching the panto, doing science experiments, doing school work and also made a lovely big rainbow using different coloured materials 🙂
We have been playing card games with Mummy and Daddy. It’s fun. We have played Uno, and Maki Staki. Any game is great. We go out once a day to exercise, jogging, scooting or walking. This is good for our mental health. Each week, we paint a picture of a certain topic and when it’s dry, we stick it on the window for passers-by walking with children to count. We’ve done rainbows, this week was space and next week is Easter.
Fantastic creativity!
The children in school have been busy!
Busy doing easter crafts, English, Maths worksheets which we got from the school x It has been a good week so far, keeping busy . We have read library books and used oxford owl as well as different links which were provided from school for Science & History .
Having fun with Gardening, PE and Maths!
Great work from Wehant and Amogh!
T enjoying some daily workouts!
We have been doing work, exercising, doing an experiment and helping with housework.
“We’ve been doing PE, building dens, doing the LEGO challenge, looking after their sea monkeys. We watched ‘My family and the Galapagos’ and then found it on the world map and made some fact files on Charles Darwin and tortoises. Today we are learning the time with What’s the time Mr Wolf game :)”
“I’ve been working hard, doing some PE, baking, and doing some learning.”