• School Hours 8:45-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • admin.pemberley@reach2.org
  • Wellbeing

    The wellbeing of pupils at Pemberley Academy is a very high priority. We use an approach recommended by Essex County Council, which lays out the key areas to ensure wellbeing, to help manage the children’s learning of the important concept of looking after yourself.

    Mr Fish has created the design for a mascot, Beanie the Wellbeing Bean, which the children have enjoyed using as the basis of posters and lessons. We have a permanent display of posters the children make (which get refreshed periodically).

    We have introduced certificates to award the children when they are able to embody the wellbeing concepts.

    We also have a wellbeing worry log, which the children can use in the hallway to help if they have any worries, plus a postbox if they need to write down any concerns in a letter or postcard to Beanie, which can be anonymous if they wish.

    All the staff are available should any of the children wish to discuss any concerns.


    There are five different Beanie designs to represent the five concepts:

    • Give
    • Connect
    • Take Notice
    • Be Active
    • Keep Learning
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