• School Hours 8:40-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Friends of Pemberley

    Friends of Pemberley is Pemberley Academy’s Parent Teacher Association. We organise events for the pupils and whole school community including school and family discos, Movie and Munchies events, Easter Egg competitions, raffles, Christmas bazaars and Summer Fayres, etc.

    We raise funds for the school and are proud to have contributed picnic tables, a mini mobile kitchen, various EYFS resources and storage units, and many more much needed resources and equipment for our pupils!

    We welcome parent participation in the facilitating and organising of our events and have a great team of staff and parents who would be very happy to have more helpers on board! Please see Mrs Fish if you would like to help out with Friends of Pemberley!

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