Dear Parent/Carer,
We are pleased to announce that the school will be opening a Healthy Tuck Shop after the half-term where we will be offering a range of affordable and healthier snacks for the children to buy at playtime. As always, fruit is available for free for children in EYFS and KS1 at playtime although all children are welcome at the tuck shop.
Our tuck shop will be opening on Monday 24th February and will be run by the Prefects. All items are 40p each and you will be able to purchase the snacks for the days you would like your child to visit the tuck shop via Parentmail. We will then print a list of children who have purchased a snack each day before playtime and these children will be asked to come and choose a snack from the tuck shop.
The following snacks will be available for the children to buy: box of raisins, popcorn, Bears fruit snacks, cheese strings, blueberry and vanilla rice cakes, mini cheddars, mini breadsticks, and Alpen summer fruits cereal bars. There will also be a gluten free option for children with allergies.

Tuck shop purchases will be available on Parentmail shortly. Unfortunately children who have not had an item purchased for them via Parentmail will not be able to have a snack from the Tuck shop.
Warm regards,
Mrs Fish