• School Hours 8:40-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Archives for March 2017

    Book your tickets for the Summer Show!

    And we are live…

    Parents can now go and book their tickets for the end of year Summer show at the Playhouse.

    Things to remember;

    1. There are 2 separate shows, Reception and Year 1 will perform the first show at 5.30pm and Year’s 2 and 3 will perform at 6.45pm.
    2. Maximum of two tickets per child per performance and both will be ‘adult only’ performances.

    3. Tickets are only available through the playhouse box office and not through the school.

    Please feel free to speak to the school office if there are any questions.


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    Pemberley Performances at the Playhouse

    Save the date – Friday 30th of June 2017.
    We’d like to announce that on the above date the children at Pemberley Academy will perform their end of year class assemblies at Harlow Playhouse as part of our drive to give the best possible experiences to all of our children and their families.
    There will be a more detailed letter coming home tomorrow about times, details and how to purchase tickets but we are so excited about bringing our school community to an historic performing arts venue.
    We hope you can join us.

    Pemberley Academy.

    Exceptional experiences every day.

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    Books, Books, Books!

    The Pemberley Book Swap is now all set up in the school entrance! Pupils and Parents, bring along your old books and exchange for a new one, and maybe discover a new favourite author or genre!

    Mr Coster would also like to remind you to email him your “Reading in unusual places” pictures!

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    Easter Activities

    Looking for for something to do during the first week of the Easter holidays? We’ve got it going on at Pemberley Academy, with Sports Camp and a Dance Day open to children from all local schools. Registration forms will be available from the front office later this week.

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