• School Hours 8:40-15:15
  • Office Mon-Fri 8:30-16:00
  • 01279 215745
  • Paperless School

    As part of our continuing efforts to reduce waste and lessen our negative impact on the environment, Pemberley Academy is now a paperless school. The financial savings will enable the school to allocate additional funds to support teaching and learning for our students; we will also considerably reduce our environmental footprint by the reduction in our use of paper and other consumables.

    What does this mean for parents?

    • All communications will be sent via e-mail or text messaging. Copies of letters will also be available through the main office.
    • Parents/carers will have easy access to relevant information, which means no more letters lost or lying in the bottom of a school bag.
    • We will not send paper consent forms.  Any event that requires a permission slip or other response will be sent to you electronically; you will be able to tick the relevant boxes and give consent through Parentmail.

    Parentmail will be our first method of reaching parents, so it is important that your contact information is kept ‘up-to-date’. Please ensure that the school office has all your current contact details, especially your current mobile phone number and advise us immediately if any of these numbers change.

    Going Paperless Letter

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